Hafez Reading

Step into the world of Hafezomancy, a treasured tradition embraced by Iranians for centuries. Whether among ordinary folk or in the royal hall of Kings, seeking Hafez's insights during challenging times has been a trusted practice. His exceptional accuracy in foreseeing the future and offering invaluable advice has earned him the title "Tongue of the Arcane" or the "Messenger of the Mystery Realm."

Let your questions find solace in Hafez's verses; in our personalized session, either in person or via video call, we engage in meaningful conversations about your concerns. Together, we randomly select a poem, delving into its symbolic language and profound meanings to realign your soul with its Truth.

Allow the timeless wisdom of Hafez to guide you, through his words, for they have guided generations before. Discover the invaluable insights that emerge from this sacred practice, empowering you to navigate life's challenges with clarity, purpose and Divine Love.